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Policies that apply to both Hatherley Infant and St James' C of E Junior Schools

To access the following policies go to The Hatherley Infant and St James' C of E Junior schools Local Governing Board's here.

  • Acceptable Use of ICT and the Internet Policy
  • Allergen and Anaphylaxis Policy - DGAT
  • Anti-bullying Policy - DGAT
  • Charging and Remissions Policy - DGAT
  • Complaints Policy - DGAT
  • Data Protection Policy - DGAT
  • Educational Visits Policy
  • EAL Policy
  • Equal Opportunities Policy - DGAT
  • Exclusion Policy
  • Freedom of Information Policy
  • Health & Safety Policy - DGAT
  • RSHE Policy - DGAT
  • Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy - DGAT
  • School Dog Policy
  • Whistleblowing Procedure - DGAT

St James' C of E Junior School Policies