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Regular attendance at school is essential for pupils to get the most out of their school experience, including their attainment, well-being and wider life chances. The expectation for all our pupils is that they:

Attend regularly       Be punctual          Be ready to learn

  • The definition of ‘regularly’ is every time the school is open.
  • Children should attend school unless they are genuinely too ill to attend, or have the absence authorised by the Headteacher. (Look below at school Illness advice).
  • Parents and carers should only ask for a leave of absence from school in exceptional circumstances; these are defined as those that are rare, significant, unavoidable and short.
  • The school will inform parents of their children’s absence throughout the academic year and provide support to help remove barriers to regular attendance.
  • Pupils whose attendance falls below 90% are persistently absent; this equates to missing 20 or more days per academic year. This level of absence will affect both their learning and academic well-being. Support will be put in place for pupils at risk of being persistently absent.
  • Pupils who are regularly late miss learning time and disrupt the start of the day for both themselves and the teachers. All pupils should aim to be on site at or before 8:50 am.

Appointments in school time

  • Please only make emergency orthodontist/doctor/hospital appointments in school time.  Other regular appointments should be made after school or in the school holidays.
  • If your child has to attend an emergency appointment, please inform the school before and let us know if your child will be back in time for lunch and if they require a lunch ordering for them.

Medications in school

If your child needs medication in school, please bring it to school and fill out a medication form.

Medical conditions

If your child has a medical condition, eg asthma, please make sure the school has details.  If they have asthma, please make sure they bring their inhaler to school.  If they need to wear glasses in school, please make sure they bring these to school every day.

Attendance Team

Mrs Faulkner (Inclusion Lead), Mrs Jones (Engagement Officer) and Mrs Hayward (School Administrator)

Please either telephone the school on 01452 520714, leave a telephone message, email or or use Teachers2Parents to send a text to notify one of the team if your child is absent, giving the reasons. 

Please phone, text or email every day before 9.00 am when your child is absent.  Any absences where school is not contacted will be unauthorised.

We’re here to help

Mrs Faulkner is in school full-time to support children with their learning and pastoral needs.  If you are concerned about your child’s learning or are experiencing difficulties which may impact on your child’s ability to focus and learn (bereavement, separation, anxiety, illness etc), please speak to the class teacher or make an appointment/pop into school to speak to Mrs Faulkner.